I guess you have managed to do it already, didn't you?
This would be a way to start:
https://www.matrixgames.com/forums/view ... 9&t=407907
There it is explained. If you want more help, I can write it down here.
you need your own mod. Then, you start in the distant worlds folder a command interface.
There you write this:
DistantWorlds2.exe --ugc-publish Q:\DW2\mods\yourmodname\ --ugc-dont-open
This will create the new mod of yours on steam
When you want to update (you have to do it once, because before you did not know your steam id of the workshop)
do this to refresh
DistantWorlds2.exe --ugc-publish Q:\DW2\mods\yourmodname\ --ugc-id 3393130667 --ugc-dont-open
BEFORE you refresh:
you write into the mod.json of yours:
Code: Select all
"displayName": "yourmod",
"shortDescription": "this is my explanation",
"version": "0.0.1",
"previewImage": "myjpgorpng.png",
"workshopId": 99999999
And the id is the one you got when you first uploaded.
You are done