Units Not Moving

The new Cold War turned hot wargame from On Target Simulations, now expanded with the Player's Edition! Choose the NATO or Soviet forces in one of many scenarios or two linked campaigns. No effort was spared to model modern warfare realistically, including armor, infantry, helicopters, air support, artillery, electronic warfare, chemical and nuclear weapons. An innovative new asynchronous turn order means that OODA loops and various effects on C3 are accurately modeled as never before.

Moderators: IronManBeta, CapnDarwin, IronMikeGolf, Mad Russian, WildCatNL, cbelva

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Units Not Moving

Post by ChesterNimitz »

This is about Flashpoint Campaigns Red Storm, which I bought recently.

I have played a lot of hex and square games from the 1990s but never anything as complicated as this one. My biggest frustration is not understanding why it takes so many moves for units to begin moving if they move at all. So far, I have only played the Black Horse scenario. The NATO units at top left hidden in the forest seem to take forever to finally begin to move. The other NATO units near top right take even longer to finally obey orders and begin moving and in half of games they don't move at all.

I understand the steps in issuing orders to units to move.

So what happens is the enemy takes the key town in the center (Nordheim) and crosses the river before my units have even gotten off their arses. Game over.

Out of frustration, I recently copied Dark Horse to have a scenario I can edit. My plan was to have NATO units 1) start closer to Nordheim and 2) also begin moving faster. The result is the reinforments on the left spawn closer to center but still resist moving. The units that spawn early at top right do not spawn closer to Wilmars. Even worse they all basically refuse to move. Are mutinies a game mechanic?


Can someone please explain why my units refuse to budge. I can't find a helpful explanation in the manual.

In my edited scenario, why can't I get the reinforcements to spawn earlier and closer to the front?

This is driving me bananas.
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Re: Units Not Moving

Post by CapnDarwin »

I just started a Dark Horse run, which is hard to do these days since I am used to Southern Storm and its controls. I could place units in the setup zones, issue initial orders (deliberate moves for the recon elements), start the game, and have units move immediately. What movement order are you using? How many waypoints? How far are you plotting the initial moves?
OTS is looking forward to Southern Storm getting released!

Cap'n Darwin aka Jim Snyder
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Re: Units Not Moving

Post by ChesterNimitz »

What movement order are you using? How many waypoints? How far are you plotting the initial moves?
You might be onto something there.

I don't even know where to begin.

For example, are there range limits on how far ahead you can order a specific type unit?

I usually use all three waypoints when setting a course for a unit.

During the initial move, I will direct units to get as close to key areas (eg, Nordheim as possible. I assume it will then take the units a few moves to finally reach that point. However, as stated they don't move, so perhaps selecting a destination that's too far stops the unit from moving at all.

By the way, I have the game configured to not limit orders per move.
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Re: Units Not Moving

Post by CapnDarwin »

There is no actual range limit other than doing what you need for the mission. Which movement order are you using (Hasty, Deliberate, Assault)? Initial orders have no initial delay. They are assumed to have been issued before the game starts. Orders after that will have command delays. When done plotting waypoints, are you clicking back on the unit to set the order and selecting the end state (screen, hold, etc.)?
OTS is looking forward to Southern Storm getting released!

Cap'n Darwin aka Jim Snyder
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Re: Units Not Moving

Post by ChesterNimitz »

When done plotting waypoints, are you clicking back on the unit to set the order and selecting the end state (screen, hold, etc.)?
Thank you again.

Ok, the way I issue orders is:

1. Pick a unit and decide where it needs to go.

2. Click on the unit then click the first waypoint so that the number 1 appears in it. Then I repeat for waypoints 2 and 3.

3. Once I see the #3 in the final hex, I cluck on the unit to get the dropdown menu to select the end state. Depending on the unit and situation, I can pick from hasty, deliberate, assault, screen, or hold.

I will play around with Black Horse again tonight. It's just after 7 pm here on the West coast.

Black Horse is really frustrating because getting any units to start moving is a challenge.
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Re: Units Not Moving

Post by ChesterNimitz »

Am I doing the orders in the wrong sequence?

It appears that you can pick a unit and then immediately choose a movement type command, then martk the waypoints, and then select what the unit does when it finally reaches its destination.
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Re: Units Not Moving

Post by ChesterNimitz »

Okay, I am getting most to move now although not as fast as I would like.
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Re: Units Not Moving

Post by CapnDarwin »

Hasty is the quickest move, but the unit is more vulnerable to attack. Deliberate is slower, but the unit is looking for trouble. Assault is in between, but the unit will continue to the end of the path even if attacked/engaged.
OTS is looking forward to Southern Storm getting released!

Cap'n Darwin aka Jim Snyder
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Re: Units Not Moving

Post by ChesterNimitz »

Thank you for helping me out with this issue.
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