Bootcamp 5 recon problems

The Campaign Series: Middle East 1948-1985 is a new turn-based, tactical wargame that focuses on conflicts in the Middle East.

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Bootcamp 5 recon problems

Post by madasgardian »

Are there any known issues with Bootcamp 5: Reconnaisance?

I'll give it another shot once the update hits, but I'm unable to follow along as described in the manual.

My Ferrets just refuse to spot anything with Recon Reveal from the village hex--even after taking fire for several rounds. I do understand that there's a random element involved, but they've failed dozens of times (and seem to be taking fire from a hex they have visibility on).

Maybe the way I'm playing is somehow tripping up the script. If I move the tanks past the village, they do seem to take fire and spot the enemy themselves. Thanks!

EDIT: Having said that, I pushed a Ferret a few hexes past the town and Recon Reveal actually found something. Probably enough to get me going. :)
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Re: Bootcamp 5 recon problems

Post by Crossroads »

What you are seeing is correct, as units generally enjoy better concealment starting with Middle East 2.30. This update brought both games to the same code level after a long time.

In particular, certain foot units are now much harder to spot, especially when positioned in terrain with a high concealment modifier.
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