Europe 1939 in the Pacific

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Europe 1939 in the Pacific

Post by stjeand »


DO NOT spend a lot a time on this but just a question...

I was able to get WPP to load the Europe 39 scenario BUT lots of oddities.

Is there a reason that it would not work? In theory I would assume you could build it using the editor...though wanted a jump.

I have to spend more time on it but was just wondering if you could think of anything that would hold it back.

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Re: Europe 1939 in the Pacific

Post by AlvaroSousa »

The data files are different so it won't work. Well it shouldn't work.

If you made a global it would not work on PBEM because the data file would be too large.

WP2 I altered how it saves so it doesn't have that issue.
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Re: Europe 1939 in the Pacific

Post by CHINCHIN »

It's already a reality. I'm testing it with another player, and as soon as we see that everything works well, I'll post it on this forum.

Most of the data couldn't be loaded, I had to make the map from scratch, it was laborious but also fun. I don't think the AI ​​works very well, but the multiplayer is perfect in principle.
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My native language is Spanish, and no English language mastery, sorry.
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