Improved Witepedia Suggestion

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Moderator: Joel Billings

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Improved Witepedia Suggestion

Post by rmpmalheiro »

Hello everyone,

Just wanted to start by saying it has been an amazing journey for me playing both Wite and Wite2 and would like to thank the developers for building such an amazing and detailed game.

I would like to suggest an improvement to the Witepedia. The current state of that feature makes it hard to find information about any particular unit as there are no filters or ways to collapse the tree. Being interested in the historical aspect of every unit, I would love to be able to quickly jump to their Witepedia info.

Some ideas:
- Adding filters, search, collapse / expand controls in the Witepedia;
- When inspecting a unit in detail, having a link there to jump to the respective Witepedia info;

Please let me know if this makes sense or if there are plans already to improve this system! I apologise in advance if this was already suggested and I missed it.

Thank you so much,
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Joined: Wed Dec 11, 2019 9:36 am

Re: Improved Witepedia Suggestion

Post by AbeMuc »

Very old thread. But still an open topic.
I agree with all the stated above. This would be really helpfull. If not essentiall for all "not-so-deep-into-wargaming" players. Or short: Non-grognards.

I am not that familiary with all the euquipment, and the Witepedia is nearly useless without filters. Or even better direct links to the topic in the various gamescreen and infoscreens.
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