Preview DC: Barbarossa (vídeo)

VR designs has been reinforced with designer Cameron Harris and the result is a revolutionary new operational war game 'Barbarossa' that plays like none other. It blends an advanced counter pushing engine with deep narrative, people management and in-depth semi-randomized decision systems.

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Preview DC: Barbarossa (vídeo)

Post by Granfali »

En Altomando tenemos la enorme satisfacción de presentaros en primicia mundial, el primer análisis en vídeo de Decisive Campaigns: Barbarossa.

Algharib analiza Decisive Campaigns: Barbarossa, el próximo juego de VR Desings que será publicado por Matrix Games. Centrado en la Operación Barbarroja, nombre en clave de la invasión alemana de la Unión Soviética en 1941, DC:B llega como tercer título de la serie Decisive Campaigns.

Si lo comparamos con The Blitzkrieg y con Case Blue, te sorprenderá su manejo simplificado, menos fichas y mucho menos micromanejo sin perder un ápice de profundidad y sobre todo por el soberbio tratamiento que se hace de las continuas decisiones que deben tomarse y las relaciones con el Alto Mando, tanto con superiores como con subordinados. En resumidas cuentas, una auténtica joya que puede crear escuela. ¡Disfrútalo aquí!


In Altomando we are very proud to show you the world premiere of first video-analysis of Decisive Campaigns: Barbarossa.

Algharib analyzes Decisive Campaigns: Barbarossa, the next VR Desings game that will be published by Matrix Games. Focused in Barbarossa Operation, German codename for the invasion of Soviet Union during 1941, DC:B lands as third tittle in the Decisive Campaigns series.

If we compare DC:B with The Blitzkrieg and Case Blue, it will surprise you because of the better and easier gameplay, fewer counters and much less micromanagement... all that without losing depth; but especially because of the superb treatment that the game gives to the command decisions and the relations with superiors and subordinates. In short... an authentic artwork. Enjoy here!

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RE: Preview DC: Barbarossa (vídeo)

Post by freeboy »

but the vid is in .. Italian?
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RE: Preview DC: Barbarossa (vídeo)

Post by Philippeatbay »

Uncle Vito would like to know if you have a problem with Italian.

Apart from that, the video that I saw was in Spanish with a pronounced Iberian accent.

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RE: Preview DC: Barbarossa (vídeo)

Post by freeboy »

yep, spanish... not English or enguish so not too much aof a good thing for me but glad we are getting some play...
Interesting thar its less complex.. if I understand correctly, than DB case Blue.. I did like that title.... not sure how a barberrossa div level could have less counters ? ok.. we will see and I am sure it plays very well
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