New to the game - Basic Questions

A sub-forum for players new to WIF, containing information on how to get started and become an experienced player.

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RE: New to the game - Basic Questions

Post by Orm »

Never mind.
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RE: New to the game - Basic Questions

Post by paulderynck »

ORIGINAL: rkr1958

ORIGINAL: Courtenay


This is not a option in MWIF. If you play with the optional CV-planes then the ability to stack two CVP on a carrier is automatically included.
The option is always coded to be on, but there is nothing prohibiting a player or players from saying that they are not using the rule, and restricting themselves to only one CVP per carrier.

Just because the program allows you to do something doesn't mean you have to do it.
Is there some controversy about putting two CVPs on a CV?
Well, on the other forums, a lot of players are of the opinion that it is an option that heavily favors the Allies.
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RE: New to the game - Basic Questions

Post by Joseignacio »

ORIGINAL: paulderynck

ORIGINAL: rkr1958

Thanks guys! Another, loosely related question. Vichy France has 1 pilot and 1 CVP in their reserve pool. They don't have any CVs. Would it do any good for Vichy to pair this pilot with the CVP and deploy him to Marseilles? Or does a CVP need a carrier to fly from to perform air missions other than to rebase?

It's worthless. Best thing to do is turn the pilot into a build point. (Pilot retraining)

As for the original rkr1958 question, it depends which version of the rules you are using. In RAW (WIF 7.0) you could.

You can use these CVP as a normal plane depending of option/selection, in WIF. Which is an excellent advantage and could be considered an exploit, since these planes have a cost of only 1 BP and many times were constructed for a cheaper defense against LR bombers or protecting a port from Port Attacks. Besides, you have more planes available, I have been short of fighters as a german player, while in a bloody Barbarossa.
Carrier planes as aircraft
A carrier plane can fly a mission from a hex just like any other aircraft. Treat it as a FTR if it flew as a fighter and as a LND if it flew as a bomber. If it hasn’t yet decided its role (i.e. it is in a sea area), it has the effects of a LND.
CVPiF option 56: Carrier planes may only ever fly rebase missions when not stacked on a CV.

I think this was forbidden in the newer versions.
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RE: New to the game - Basic Questions

Post by rkr1958 »

1D10 CRT? I've looked through the rules, tables, etc. but I can't seem to find a concise listing of die roll modifiers (e.g., for being disorganized, armor attacking a city) anywhere. Is there such a concise list?
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RE: New to the game - Basic Questions

Post by Shannon V. OKeets »

ORIGINAL: rkr1958

1D10 CRT? I've looked through the rules, tables, etc. but I can't seem to find a concise listing of die roll modifiers (e.g., for being disorganized, armor attacking a city) anywhere. Is there such a concise list?
I didn't see it when doing a quick search.

Here is the code for how the 1D10 calculates die roll modifiers; it is followed by the code for the mods for attacking and defending units. Note that some of the code below only applies to the 2D10 CRT and/or the Blitz Bonus optional rules.


// ****************************************************************************
// Final calculations for 1D10 CRT.
// ****************************************************************************
// ****************************************************************************
// RAC Section 11.16.5. Penalty for attacking a city with 2 or 3 printed
// factories. Only applies if using the Blitz Bonus.
// ****************************************************************************
if OptRules.BlitzBonus and
(Map.FactoryList.PrintedFactory[Hex.X, Hex.Y] > 1) then
DRMTerrain := DRMTerrain - 1;
// ****************************************************************************
// Increase the die roll modifier due to individual attacking units.
// ****************************************************************************
LCStckIndx := 0;

while LCStckIndx < AttackingStack.Count do
LCStckUni := AttackingStack.Item[LCStckIndx];
// ****************************************************************************
// RAC Section 22.4.1. Coded as per engineer.
// ****************************************************************************
if (LCStckUni.UnitType in EngineerSet) and
LCStckUni.CombatEngineer and
(Map.FactoryList.PrintedFactory[Hex.X, Hex.Y] > 1) then
DRMTerrain := DRMTerrain + 1;
// ****************************************************************************
// Armor and paradrop benefits only accrue if using the Blitz Bonus.
// ****************************************************************************
if OptRules.BlitzBonus then AttackingUnitsDRM(LCStckUni);

// ****************************************************************************
// Decrease the die roll modifier due to individual defending units.
// ****************************************************************************
LCStckIndx := 0;

while LCStckIndx < DefendingStack.Count do
LCStckUni := DefendingStack.Item[LCStckIndx];
// ****************************************************************************
// RAC Section 22.4.1. Coded as per engineer.
// ****************************************************************************
if (LCStckUni.UnitType in EngineerSet) and
(Map.FactoryList.PrintedFactory[Hex.X, Hex.Y] > 1) then
DRMTerrain := DRMTerrain - 1;
// ****************************************************************************
// Armor & anti-tank benefits only accrue if using the Blitz Bonus. However,
// the DRM for disorganized units always pertains.
// ****************************************************************************

procedure AttackingUnitsDRM(var U: TUnit);
// ****************************************************************************
// Only used by 2D10 CRT & BlitzBonus. Modify DRM due to individual attacking
// units.
// ****************************************************************************
HS: THexsideRange;
HSAM: Integer;
AttackHex: TSmallPoint;
AttackHex := AttackLocation(U); // Hex where attacker started.

if (U is TLandUnit) and
(not TLandUnit(U).Invading) and
(Map.Terrain[AttackHex.X, AttackHex.Y] <> teSea) then
THexArea.ConnectingHexsideRange(AttackHex, Hex, HS); // This sets HS.
HSAM := AttackDivisor(U);

if HSAM > 0 then
// ****************************************************************************
// Include jungle benefit for some elite marines and infantry.
// ****************************************************************************
if OptRules.TwoD10LandCRT and
(LCTerrain = teJungle) and
TLandUnit(U).Elite and
((U.Country = Japan.ID) or
(U.Country = Australia.ID) or
((U.Country = UnitedStates.ID) and
(U.UnitType in [utMarine, utMarineEngineer]))) then
DRMTerrain := DRMTerrain + (1 / HSAM); // Hexside may affect modifier.
ShowMessageOK('[LandCombatColumn] AttackingUnitsDRM ' + HexName(Hex) +
'. Jungle ' + U.Name +
'. DRMTerrain = ' + FloatToStr(DRMTerrain));
// ****************************************************************************
// Include bonus for attacking with winterized units.
// ****************************************************************************
if OptRules.TwoD10LandCRT and SnowUnitsA and TLandUnit(U).SnowUnit then
DRMWeather := DRMWeather + (1 / HSAM); // Hexside may affect modifier.
ShowMessageOK('[LandCombatColumn] AttackingUnitsDRM ' + HexName(Hex) +
'. Snow units ' + U.Name +
'. DRMWeather = ' + FloatToStr(DRMWeather));
// ****************************************************************************
// Include armor bonus for attacker.
// ****************************************************************************
if Map.HexsideTerrainSet[U.Column, U.Row, HS] * FortHexsideSet <> [] then
ShowMessageOK('[LandCombatColumn] AttackingUnitsDRM from' +
HexName(AttackHex) + ' into ' + HexName(Hex) +
' through hexside ' + IntToStr(HS) +
' has a fort hexside present.');
if (not IsAssault) and
(U.UnitType in ArmoredSet) and
(not InCity) and
(LCTerrain in [teClear, teDesert]) and // I.e., tank country.
(LCWeather = wFine) and
(not Map.FortHexside[AttackHex, Hex]) then // Forts negate bonus.
begin // Hexside may affect modifier.
if OptRules.BlitzBonus then
// ****************************************************************************
// BlitzBonus: Add 1 to the die roll for each two attacking ARM, MECH, HQ-A
// units conducting a blitz attack against a clear or desert (non-city) hex in
// fine weather.
// ****************************************************************************
if U.Small then DRMArmor := DRMArmor + (0.25 / HSAM) // Div. = 1/4.
else DRMArmor := DRMArmor + (0.5 / HSAM) // Corps = 1/2.
else if OptRules.TwoD10LandCRT then
begin // 2D10 modifier is twice that of BlitzBonus.
if U.Small then DRMArmor := DRMArmor + (0.5 / HSAM) // Div. = 1/2.
else DRMArmor := DRMArmor + (1 / HSAM); // Corps = 1.
// ****************************************************************************
// Include bonus for paradrop for both 2D10 CRT and BlitzBonus.
// ****************************************************************************
if (U is TLandUnit) and
TLandUnit(U).Paradropping then
if U.Small then DRMParadrop := DRMParadrop + 0.5 // Div. = 1/2.
else DRMParadrop := DRMParadrop + 1; // Corps = 1.

procedure DefendingUnitsDRM(var U: TUnit);
// ****************************************************************************
// Used by both 1D10 and 2D10 CRTs. Modify DRM due to individual defending
// units.
// ****************************************************************************
LU: TLandUnit;
if U is TLandUnit then
LU := TLandUnit(U);
// ****************************************************************************
// Increment die roll for disorganized units.
// ****************************************************************************
if U.Disrupted then
if OptRules.TwoD10LandCRT then
if LU.Small then DRMDisorganized := DRMDisorganized + 1 // Div. = 1.
else DRMDisorganized := DRMDisorganized + 2; // Corps = 2.
else DRMDisorganized := DRMDisorganized + 1; // 1D10 CRT.

if OptRules.TwoD10LandCRT or OptRules.BlitzBonus then
// ****************************************************************************
// Benefit for winterized defenders (TwoD10LandCRT only).
// ****************************************************************************
if OptRules.TwoD10LandCRT and SnowUnitsD and LU.SnowUnit then
DRMWeather := DRMWeather - 2;
// ****************************************************************************
// Benefit for anti-tank and anti-aircraft defenders (TwoD10LandCRT only).
// ****************************************************************************
if OptRules.TwoD10LandCRT and
AHasArmor and
(LU.AntiTank <> latNone) then
DRMArmor := DRMArmor - 1;
// ****************************************************************************
// Benefit for armored defenders, regardless of CRT chosen.
// ****************************************************************************
if (U.UnitType in ArmoredSet) and
(not InCity) and
(LCTerrain in [teClear, teDesert]) and
(LCWeather = wFine) then
if OptRules.BlitzBonus then
// ****************************************************************************
// BlitzBonus: Subtract 1 from the die roll for each defending ARM, MECH, HQ-A
// unit in a clear or desert (non-city) hex in fine weather.
// ****************************************************************************
if U.Small then DRMArmor := DRMArmor - 0.5 // Div. = -1/2.
else DRMArmor := DRMArmor - 1; // Corps = -1.
begin // OptRules.TwoD10LandCRT.
if U.Small then DRMArmor := DRMArmor - 1 // Div. = -1.
else DRMArmor := DRMArmor - 2; // Corps = -2.

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RE: New to the game - Basic Questions

Post by rkr1958 »

Wow! Thanks Steve. [:)]
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RE: New to the game - Basic Questions

Post by rkr1958 »

Now this question is random, but a fun one I hope.

Having owned and played MWiF for almost 1.5 years I certainly understand that (M)WiF is NOT a "beer and pretzels" game. Does this mean though that if I enjoy a beer and some pretzels when I'm playing it that I'm breaking some sort of (M)WiF etiquette [8D]
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RE: New to the game - Basic Questions

Post by paulderynck »

Oof courshhh not!
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RE: New to the game - Basic Questions

Post by rkr1958 »

Can a resource be convoyed, railed and convoyed again in the same turn?

If not, then the only way to do this would be with oil and would take two turns. That it, convoy, rail and save. And then next turn, convoy to the target factory. Of course this would require one to be playing with the option to save (oil) resources.
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RE: New to the game - Basic Questions

Post by Orm »

No, you can not transport a resource, by sea, twice in the same turn.

RAC 13.6.1 Resources
You can rail a resource point both before and after shipping it overseas but you can not ship it overseas, then
rail it, then ship it overseas again
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RE: New to the game - Basic Questions

Post by rkr1958 »

How many subs does a German u-boat unit represent?

What about an Italian sub unit?

How many merchant ships, or tonnage, does 1 CP represent?
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RE: New to the game - Basic Questions

Post by paulderynck »

Each SUB unit represents 25-30 submarines and each convoy point represents about 200,000 tonnes of merchant shipping.

(This will be in RAW8, but I couldn't find the quote in RAW7.)
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RE: New to the game - Basic Questions

Post by rkr1958 »

ORIGINAL: paulderynck

Each SUB unit represents 25-30 submarines and each convoy point represents about 200,000 tonnes of merchant shipping.

(This will be in RAW8, but I couldn't find the quote in RAW7.)
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RE: New to the game - Basic Questions

Post by rkr1958 »

Why did the Chinese production multiplier drop from 1.00 to 0.75 this turn (Jul/Aug 1941)? It started off at 0.75 but soon increased and has stayed at 1.00 since Jan/Feb 1940. This turn the Chinese did retake the city of Kweiyang from the Japanese in the south and Germany/Italy did DOW the Soviet Union. Do either of these events anything to do with that (i.e., multiplier dropping from 1.00 to 0.75)?

ChinaProductionDrop.jpg (1.2 MiB) Viewed 22 times
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RE: New to the game - Basic Questions

Post by paulderynck »

The Japanese probably made no attacks in the turn as opposed to previous turns. Base PM in 1941 for China is point 5. If supplied enemy units are in your home country add another point 25. If they also make one or more attacks (even just against one of your partisans) in your home country then add yet another point 25.
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RE: New to the game - Basic Questions

Post by rkr1958 »

ORIGINAL: paulderynck

The Japanese probably made no attacks in the turn as opposed to previous turns. Base PM in 1941 for China is point 5. If supplied enemy units are in your home country add another point 25. If they also make one or more attacks (even just against one of your partisans) in your home country then add yet another point 25.
That's it. Thanks.
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RE: New to the game - Basic Questions

Post by rkr1958 »

Why can't the Italian sub in the Cape Verde Basin initiate combat? The Germans could and did and the Italian sub was able to participate in the combat. But it wasn't able to initiate the combat. And yes, I made sure that it was the Italians initiate naval combat phase. Only when I switch to the Germans could combat be initiated.

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RE: New to the game - Basic Questions

Post by paulderynck »

What action did Italy choose this impulse?

They can't initiate a naval combat with a sub unless they took a Combined or a Naval Action.
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RE: New to the game - Basic Questions

Post by rkr1958 »

ORIGINAL: paulderynck

What action did Italy choose this impulse?

They can't initiate a naval combat with a sub unless they took a Combined or a Naval Action.
They (the Italians) took a naval. Is this a bug?
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RE: New to the game - Basic Questions

Post by paulderynck »

It does look like a bug, yes.
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