Squirg's Titans

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RE: Squirg's Titans

Post by Iskandar »

both, really.  despite the painful graphics, I still say the first two Mechwarrior games are the best. 
yeah, I was really hoping that ToS would resemble Missionforce: Cyberstorm  (not the sequel, dissapointing is the mildest word for that).  Cyberstorm is, hands down, my favorite non-squad based TBS.  (X-Com being my favorite squad based TBS, natch.  I'm old school.  Pool of Radiance anyone?)
ToS is a toolbox and a sandbox more than anything else, nothing wrong with that, the game is (mostly) fine as is.  I just wished  there had been a campaign mode as well, an overarhcing story, integrated random missions, maybe advancing tech, a black market all those kind of bells and whistles. 
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RE: Squirg's Titans

Post by LarkinVB »

I disliked cyberstorm for the IGO-UGO combat system. I loved pool of radiance !
ToS could have been much more if it was made by a bigger team and not just in some hundred hours of spare time.
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RE: Squirg's Titans

Post by Iskandar »

yeah, you guys did a lot on a shoestring.  great game.  I was hoping there would be enough interest for a sequel.
and we're going ot have ot agree to disagree about Cyberstorm.
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RE: Squirg's Titans

Post by CrushU »

You ARE aware that Warring Suns *is* the sequel? :)

I started playing with v1.2, and now I'm on v2.2.1 (I consider Warring Suns to just be the next full version number, really.)

As for the titan designs... They're pretty good-looking. I'm wary of that GC boat, though. Mostly because of the minimum range issue. AI usually isn't smart enough to charge your GC/GMH boats, though, so it's only an issue against players, and only if you lack the close range titans to keep them off of your support titans.

I've actually not designed too many after Warring Suns came out, the titans in the database usually fit close enough to what I wanted that the 0.01% efficiency that I could squeeze out of it wasn't worth it. The largest exception to this is, and always has been, guided missile titans. Specifically Light or Recon variants. The Illuminator is a pretty good Medium and I generally use it once my jocks are that highly skilled, but before that, there isn't very many good ones. With that in mind, I present Magic:

Titan Name: Magic                 Close Combat Light Titan
Chassis: Morola  L2               Design: CrushU        
Weight: 70.0t (70t maximum)       Height     : 9 [meter]
Bmt   : 22 (54 kph)               Reduce Heat: -2.54C/sec.
Jmt   : 13 (92 kph) for 75 secs   Cost       : 133835($)


Engine  : Triton T2 [Engine 2] [CT  ]
HeatReg.: Smac Corp.  [Heat 5]
Shield  : Simson-Light [Shld1] [LowT]
LifeSup.: Livotto     [Life 1] [Head]
Scanner : CyberSys L [Scan. 3] [Head]
Computer: Triton TC  [Comp. 4] [CBT ]
E.C.M.  : Electra   [E.C.M. 1] [CBT ]
JumpPort: Coltos      [Jump 3]


[RA  ]  POWER AXE          
[LA  ]  POWER AXE          
[RT  ]  G.M.H. 2 RACK        (016) [1]
[LT  ]  G.M.H. 2 RACK        (016) [1]


[Head] (11) Dullaroy  HMAX 017 [025mm]
[RT  ] (19) Vicenium  (W)  018 [030mm]
[CT  ] (19) Vicenium  (W)  022 [037mm]
[CBT ] (13) Vicenium  (S)  016 [027mm]
[LT  ] (19) Vicenium  (W)  018 [030mm]
[RA  ] (17) Vicenium  (W)  020 [034mm]
[LA  ] (17) Vicenium  (W)  020 [034mm]
[LowT] (13) Vicenium  (S)  022 [037mm]
[RL  ] (15) Titanium  (W)  016 [030mm]
[LL  ] (15) Titanium  (W)  016 [030mm]

Armor Index:   4.90 [Total APts/T]
Internal:    158  [APts]
External:    185  [APts]   Max:[051mm]
Total Armor: 343  [APts]

JOCK requirements:
Piloting: Light Titan incl. Jump          
Weapons : G.M.  C.C.                      
Warfare : Defense  Scanner  Warfare(ECM)  
Skills  : Medic  Scout  Ind.Fire          

Notes about the 'odd' design choices:
1. Shield on a Light titan? Heck, why not? Plasma Guns are very annoying to Support titans, so might as well give it a little better defenses.

2. Wow, that's a small Engine. Actually it really isn't. It can't run while powering all systems, but *usually* if I need to worry about running around a whole lot, I don't mind having the (piddly) ECM off.

3. Holy Heat Regulator, Batman!! Hehe. One of my design points is that I really hate overheating my Titans. I always, always, plan to fire all weapons without overheating. For this Titan, it means that it'll usually run very cool, since it isn't likely to actually fire all weapons. On the plus side, it's a God of the Core maps. (It was amusing because out of the 8 titans on the field in my last Core match, this one was the only one to be firing nearly constantly and not having to worry about heat.)

4. And, of course, always have to have good jumpjets on a Support titan. Always nice to get up to those hills that let you see the entire battlefield.

5. ... GMH... and Power Axe. ... Why, God, why? Because Power Axes are damn good damage for their size and weight, and generally I'll only need to worry about close combat titans anyway with a missile boat. Also, it's great fun to be firing GMH all round, then run out of ammo and jump/charge down off the peak you were sitting on, barrelling headlong into your confused foes. "Wait a minute, isn't that a missile titan? Why is it running towards us...?" That and the only Constant on all of my jocks, is that all of them have points in Close Combat skill, it's the only skill that every Titan can use for weapons.

I believe I made a BRG boat named Tornado... In v1.4. Haven't needed to recreate it yet. I think it basically had 3, maybe 4? BRGs. Good luck keeping your feet with that thing around. I always cackled gleefully to myself whenever I kept an Assault titan grounded for the entire match with this Medium. ^.^

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